13 October, 2011

College, Stress, and Mental Illness?

So we've all seen the articles, read the statistics. It always seems that the amount of depression and the increased stress from a non-stop schedule is no doubt related. It makes me wonder what the demands of college are doing to today's students. All-nighters, piles of homework, midterms, finals, ah! Yeah, I've been there. Actually I am there right now as mid-semester hits hard. I've got more work that I can handle, tests to study for that will be incredibly difficult, staying up late studying, getting up early the cram some more before jumping into a full day of classes. Come the end of the week, I am absolutely exhausted. But anyway, enough about me, I know I'm not alone.
My main point here is that the demands of college plus all the rest of life piled on top a likely breaking us. I could probably go look for some statistics if you please, but right now I'm just speculating. So who is to blame? The professors? Do they ask to much of students? Well in some cases, I'd like to scream yes, its all their fault, but in reality they are just doing their job. To them their class is the only class, though they probably can remember what undergrad was like, so I can not put the blame to them. It does however make one wonder whether professors should keep in mind their class is not the only one a student likely has and that we are of course not supernatural. Being a physics student I'd like to scream in frustration every time I hear the phrase "when your bored sometime, derive this....", "practice extra problems" and other variations. WITH WHAT TIME?!
Perhaps it is that all majors are not created equal. I know it is a common assumption to believe the sciences to be much harder than the arts. Perhaps indeed this is true. Or is it that we all are under similar amounts of stress? This I can't answer without being bias. I would definitely trade a day just to see if music is as hard as physics. So what is going on here? Should colleges being keep the heat high, so as to weed out as much as possible, at all possible costs? Do, we, the students have a right to understand, to learn, without sacrificing our health in order to get there. Where is the balancing point? Or should their even be such a thing?
These are just some things that I ponder when I reach that point in the week where exhaustion over takes me and I need a justification for why I put myself thru what I do? Am I benefiting from it? What is the point?

06 October, 2011

Die Welt braucht kein Nationalstolz

Heute ist die Welt näher als jemals zu. Mit neuen und besseren Technologie, kann man fast alles zugreifen und auch mit leute, die aus überall in der Welt kommen, mitteilen. Die Welt werden eins. Näturlich dann kann man sich fragen,  ,,Warum braucht die Welt Nationalstolz?’’.
                In Deutschland ist starker Nationalstolz ein seltener Standpunkt für Leute. Die Deutschen denken, dass Nationalstolz ein Hindernis ist, und dass das zum Radikalismus führen kann. Viele Deutschen haben keinen oder wenig Nationalstolz, sondern sie sind nur froh, in Deutschland zu leben. Für eine allgemeine Welt ist der deutsche Standpunkt eine bessere Idee, denn wenn man mit Ausländern arbeitet, dann kann man sie besser verstehen.
                Auf der anderen Seite ist in Amerika Nationalstolz ein sehr populärer Standpunkt. Viele Amerikaner denken, dass man stolz auf sein Land sein muss.  Heute ist der amerikanische Standpunkt ein Problem für Globalisierung. Wenn man viel Nationalstolz hat, ist man überheblich und ignorant. Der hauptsächliche Gedanke ist mit Nationalstolz: ,,Mein Land ist wunderbar, mein Land ist am besten.’’  Gedanken wie diese sind warum man Auslander nicht versteht.
                Es gibt nur eine Ausnahme für Nationalstolz. Wenn Länder freundliche Konkurrenz, zum Beispiel eine Sportveranstaltung, haben, dann ist der Nationalstolz akzeptabel. In weltweiten Konkurrenzen ist Nationalstolz wie Unterstützung für das Team seines Landes.  Trotz dieser Ausnahme ist Nationalstolz ein Problem. Also Nationalstolz sollte ein totes Thema sein, weil starker Nationalstolz ein Hindernis für unsere schrumpfende und globalisierte Welt ist.    
Seit der Erfindung von des Internets und andere Kommunikationstechnologien, ist Kontakt mit Leuten aus allen Ländern geeignet. Es ist wegen des erhöhten Kontakts, dass man keinen Nationalstolz haben sollte. Starker Nationalstolz macht es schwierg für Leute aus verschiedenen Ländern, einander zu verstehen.        

Alittle Uplift

Happy Fall! As you can see this blog is all decked out in Fall colors. Fall is, of course, my favorite season! Halloween is in like T-20days! I just read an article about the haunted house I used to work at a few years ago. I had a bit of nostalgia for a moment. What good memories! So on that note and to celebrate the fact that it's fall and so wonderfully beautiful out. I present you all with a link: www.burialchamber.com Go check it out, I used to work there as an scareactor. If you happen to be in the Fox Cities Area this October, I'd definitely go check it out, you will not be disappointed!

In other news: I am hoping to post more often. Actually today I'm posting twice. I just finalized my first german writing project for this semester, so I am going to post it up for those of you who know german to feast your eyes upon. I plan for this blog to be mix of both languages.