So what's this all about? This blog-thing? Well despite a very boring title, it's about a vast array of items. Or it will be. Maybe by then a more interesting title will be in order, but for now, it's a blog about whatever the heck I feel needs to be out of my head and out and about in the interwebs. Enjoy! :)
17 December, 2012
I am curious as to how people would answer this question, so please take this. It's anonymous so no worries.
31 August, 2012
Meiner Meinung nach...
So I know that it is currently 2 am in the morning, but I feel that I must blog right here and now because I have somethings in my mind that must come out. If you know me personally then you will know that I spent the last six months abroad in Germany. And now I have been back in the states for almost a month now and it has been weird. I am going to talk about something I always knew existed but never until now have I felt that it really scared me. After being abroad and such now this is something that really scares me. This something has everything do to with being a women and living in a country where men do not fully respect women even to this day. It is ever more apparent to me after spending so much time in a country where men respect women.
Madison, Wisconsin can definitely be up there on safer cities but ever since moving to madison 2 and half years ago I have always had pepper spray. I have never had to use it, thank god, but I would not feel comfortable without it. You hear the stories, the reports, etc about muggings, sexual assault, etc and its a real thing. I am not saying that bad shit doesnt happen in Germany, but I never felt, never ever felt, that I was in danger or needed to be in possession of pepper spray during my stay in Bonn. And finally I feel as if I figured out just exactly why Bonn, and for the most part, Germany felt so comfortable to me.
Being back in Madison filled in that question mark. Why did (do) I feel less comfortable in Madison than Bonn?? Here's why:
One of my very first things I notice is that walking around busy areas (the capital, state street, campus) is that guys, (majority creepers) say things to you like "hey beautiful", "hey girl, you lookin sexy", and so on. Not that I don;t mind a compliment but it is in the manner with which it comes that puts me on edge and makes me uncomfortable. And I notice so often that men stare at women as if they are some piece of meat rather that a person when they walk by. I feel as if men don't respect women here. And then I see these girls falling over and peining over men by being slutty and easy and I can't help but think how they don't respect themselves either.
When I have to walk home at night because the last bus has stopped running (buses stop for the most part just before midnight). I walk with pepper spray in hand and alert to everything because I do not feel safe just walking down the sidewalk to my apartment just three blocks away from the Capital. Should I have to feel this way? I spent six months where I never felt that way. I could even go home "shitty" so to say and still make it home safely. Here I dont feel that even remotely so. Even without a drop of any alcohol I would still feel uncomfortable.
And I am venturing to say this is not some case of over paranoia. It's real. And there's little etches that make me feel that I am in right to feel this way. One of them is something that was said to me tonight by none other than an actual german whom i have befriended since coming back. We were talking about sorority girls and freshman girls and how slutty they tend to be. And the German guy asked me if there was a bad name also for guys who acted the same way. And if you ask any American girl you will know that a guy being a "man whore" does not get the same impact as a girl being a slut. And so in answer to our friends question, me and Becca tried to explain that its not the same. And his answer was "girls should be allowed to have fun too" meaning their should be quality on both sides which clearly their isnt. It is so simple. But here in America it is not simple because the respect and the equality is not there. I think for once I know why I found German men in clubs so wierd, that is that they didnt just go up and grind (dance) with a girl. I think now that's because in general thast not respectful.
And then on a larger scale I turn toward politics. My country disgusts me and I dont want to think what it will be if Romney wins, but that is a whole different subject. But there is an article (here) that was published in the last week where the belief that "rape is another form of conception" is the topic. They fact that people believe such an horrendous thing makes me sick to my stomach. What is happening to a woman's right to choose? I fear for America if power shifts into the hands of those who have no respect or care for equality of rights between men and women. I never thought that I would feel this way as an American, because we are supposed to be the "land of the free" but after my stay in Germany and my return I see so much more how much this isnt the land of the fee it is the land of the crazy and the illogical. And I can only say is: someone get me the fuck out of here.
Madison, Wisconsin can definitely be up there on safer cities but ever since moving to madison 2 and half years ago I have always had pepper spray. I have never had to use it, thank god, but I would not feel comfortable without it. You hear the stories, the reports, etc about muggings, sexual assault, etc and its a real thing. I am not saying that bad shit doesnt happen in Germany, but I never felt, never ever felt, that I was in danger or needed to be in possession of pepper spray during my stay in Bonn. And finally I feel as if I figured out just exactly why Bonn, and for the most part, Germany felt so comfortable to me.
Being back in Madison filled in that question mark. Why did (do) I feel less comfortable in Madison than Bonn?? Here's why:
One of my very first things I notice is that walking around busy areas (the capital, state street, campus) is that guys, (majority creepers) say things to you like "hey beautiful", "hey girl, you lookin sexy", and so on. Not that I don;t mind a compliment but it is in the manner with which it comes that puts me on edge and makes me uncomfortable. And I notice so often that men stare at women as if they are some piece of meat rather that a person when they walk by. I feel as if men don't respect women here. And then I see these girls falling over and peining over men by being slutty and easy and I can't help but think how they don't respect themselves either.
When I have to walk home at night because the last bus has stopped running (buses stop for the most part just before midnight). I walk with pepper spray in hand and alert to everything because I do not feel safe just walking down the sidewalk to my apartment just three blocks away from the Capital. Should I have to feel this way? I spent six months where I never felt that way. I could even go home "shitty" so to say and still make it home safely. Here I dont feel that even remotely so. Even without a drop of any alcohol I would still feel uncomfortable.
And I am venturing to say this is not some case of over paranoia. It's real. And there's little etches that make me feel that I am in right to feel this way. One of them is something that was said to me tonight by none other than an actual german whom i have befriended since coming back. We were talking about sorority girls and freshman girls and how slutty they tend to be. And the German guy asked me if there was a bad name also for guys who acted the same way. And if you ask any American girl you will know that a guy being a "man whore" does not get the same impact as a girl being a slut. And so in answer to our friends question, me and Becca tried to explain that its not the same. And his answer was "girls should be allowed to have fun too" meaning their should be quality on both sides which clearly their isnt. It is so simple. But here in America it is not simple because the respect and the equality is not there. I think for once I know why I found German men in clubs so wierd, that is that they didnt just go up and grind (dance) with a girl. I think now that's because in general thast not respectful.
And then on a larger scale I turn toward politics. My country disgusts me and I dont want to think what it will be if Romney wins, but that is a whole different subject. But there is an article (here) that was published in the last week where the belief that "rape is another form of conception" is the topic. They fact that people believe such an horrendous thing makes me sick to my stomach. What is happening to a woman's right to choose? I fear for America if power shifts into the hands of those who have no respect or care for equality of rights between men and women. I never thought that I would feel this way as an American, because we are supposed to be the "land of the free" but after my stay in Germany and my return I see so much more how much this isnt the land of the fee it is the land of the crazy and the illogical. And I can only say is: someone get me the fuck out of here.
12 May, 2012
My God doesnt have to be Your God
So as we all know earlier this week Obama fully endorsed gay marriage. (YEAH OBAMA). Anyways, this has lit a fire under Christians because it's wrong in their little book, aka the bible. Well today I woke up to a Facebook feed with comments galore over the topic of "Under God We Trust" as the US motto and how having gay marriage being someday legal would be contradictory to that phrase. WHAT?!
First of all let me start we a brief history lesson: "Under God We Trust" is NOT original to the United States Nope, it was added in 1956. It replaced the motto from 1782 "E pluribus unum". For further reading, read the wiki
Now onto the main reason for this post. What about "Under God We Trust" HAS to make this the "Christian" God?? Let me answer that one for you: NOTHING. America is founded on freedom and one of those amendments is Freedom of Religion. Actually it's the first amendment! (*edit: Thanks to my friend Dan who pointed out, hence the minor changes, the word GOD does not appear anywhere in the United States Constition)
( <-- The US Constitution )
So what does that mean? It means that America has no "official" religion and that you can believe what ever the heck you want. That also means that the government needs to be neutral party on the stance of religion, hence separation of religion and state.
"Under God We Trust" is just a saying. For the Christians is the christian God, For Muslims is Allah, For Buddhist it's Buddha, For Hindus it's either all gods or one specific one, what ever they want to believe. And for Atheists it's just a saying, just words. So when the argument that "Under God We Trust" is contradictory to Christian beliefs, Christians would do well to remember that the United State Government endorses ALL beliefs, and their belief isn't the only one and it isn't right one. There is no "right" belief, there is only freedom. And that means that gays have every right to be legally married under the United States Government! If it doesn't jive with your beliefs, well then just ignore it. It's not like the gays are going to come swarm the christian churches begging for a marriage ceremony. Chances are they will find a place that welcomes them and will make their special day a good one, not one of closed minded people staring them down because they are "sinning".
Also to use this as an example. There was a time when women didn't have equal rights and I will wager to say that this idea that man is somehow "above" woman is old fashioned and most people will agree to the idea of equal rights for men and women. Well according to the "christian" bible this is wrong. Check it out: But wait, women have rights today. (As we should) and the bible says the exact opposite. So the argument also that the bible says that being gay is wrong and therefore shouldn't be legal in the law of the United States, is contradictory in the fact that if that's a valid point then you may as well start campaigning for the rights of men over women. (which we all know is an absurd idea and wouldn't fly in today's society).
So to wrap up this last paragraph here, "Christians" need to stop using their "book of god" as a basis for why things should or shouldn't be legal in the US. Your book inst the only book and the idea freedom of religion means keep your religion out of the government! Why should a Muslim or a Buddhist or and atheist have to follow the laws of a Christian rule? Answer: they shouldn't. Keep your beliefs out.
and last but certainly not least:
Leave the gays be! Give them equal rights! Just freaking let them get married and be happy and believe whatever.
So as we all know earlier this week Obama fully endorsed gay marriage. (YEAH OBAMA). Anyways, this has lit a fire under Christians because it's wrong in their little book, aka the bible. Well today I woke up to a Facebook feed with comments galore over the topic of "Under God We Trust" as the US motto and how having gay marriage being someday legal would be contradictory to that phrase. WHAT?!
First of all let me start we a brief history lesson: "Under God We Trust" is NOT original to the United States Nope, it was added in 1956. It replaced the motto from 1782 "E pluribus unum". For further reading, read the wiki
Now onto the main reason for this post. What about "Under God We Trust" HAS to make this the "Christian" God?? Let me answer that one for you: NOTHING. America is founded on freedom and one of those amendments is Freedom of Religion. Actually it's the first amendment! (*edit: Thanks to my friend Dan who pointed out, hence the minor changes, the word GOD does not appear anywhere in the United States Constition)
( <-- The US Constitution )
So what does that mean? It means that America has no "official" religion and that you can believe what ever the heck you want. That also means that the government needs to be neutral party on the stance of religion, hence separation of religion and state.
"Under God We Trust" is just a saying. For the Christians is the christian God, For Muslims is Allah, For Buddhist it's Buddha, For Hindus it's either all gods or one specific one, what ever they want to believe. And for Atheists it's just a saying, just words. So when the argument that "Under God We Trust" is contradictory to Christian beliefs, Christians would do well to remember that the United State Government endorses ALL beliefs, and their belief isn't the only one and it isn't right one. There is no "right" belief, there is only freedom. And that means that gays have every right to be legally married under the United States Government! If it doesn't jive with your beliefs, well then just ignore it. It's not like the gays are going to come swarm the christian churches begging for a marriage ceremony. Chances are they will find a place that welcomes them and will make their special day a good one, not one of closed minded people staring them down because they are "sinning".
Also to use this as an example. There was a time when women didn't have equal rights and I will wager to say that this idea that man is somehow "above" woman is old fashioned and most people will agree to the idea of equal rights for men and women. Well according to the "christian" bible this is wrong. Check it out: But wait, women have rights today. (As we should) and the bible says the exact opposite. So the argument also that the bible says that being gay is wrong and therefore shouldn't be legal in the law of the United States, is contradictory in the fact that if that's a valid point then you may as well start campaigning for the rights of men over women. (which we all know is an absurd idea and wouldn't fly in today's society).
So to wrap up this last paragraph here, "Christians" need to stop using their "book of god" as a basis for why things should or shouldn't be legal in the US. Your book inst the only book and the idea freedom of religion means keep your religion out of the government! Why should a Muslim or a Buddhist or and atheist have to follow the laws of a Christian rule? Answer: they shouldn't. Keep your beliefs out.
and last but certainly not least:
Leave the gays be! Give them equal rights! Just freaking let them get married and be happy and believe whatever.
"Forward" Mr. President Obama!
16 April, 2012
Due Date Fail.
Let me take a moment for a short movie review:
The movie in the spot light: Due Date
Rate: -1 (let me emphasize that negative sign)
Yes, I'd have to say this movie deserves a rating less that zero, because it was just utterly stupid. Yes, I will admit there was some one-liners worth a laugh, but the story line was just a big pile of poo.
The story to me starts out with a "Hangover" feel to it. I mean the actor who plans Alan in the Hangover plays a character in this movie almost identical to Alan in the Hangover. And as to the title of this movie the main character Peter (Robert Downy Jr.) get in a situation in which there is a rush to get back home in time to be there for the birth of his first born (Much like the hangover and trying to get back in time for the whole wedding thing)
At this point, I was like, alright another one of these movies, it's gonna suck but it'll be ok to sit through once. WRONG. As the movie goes on, the scenarios get progressively worse. Some to the point where your like 1) That's actually so dangerous it's not even funny anymore 2) No one would walk away from those situations.
*Spoiler Alert* (not that you ever need to waste your time with this movie)
First Ethan (guy who plans Alan in Hangover) falls asleep while driving, crashing the car off a bridge (flipping and landing top down). Ethan and Peter walk away with Peter having minor injuries, Ethan having not a scratch. I mean falling asleep while driving is extermely dangerous and it's not exactly funny and no one would come off that easy from a crash like that.
Second (It gets worse) Ethan drives off with a truck from the mexican boarder with a trailer (with Peter inside), The trailer unhitches, flips with Peter still inside and he comes off with nothing worse for injures. What?!
And Third (and for me basically that last straw and last thread of remaining hope for this movie) Ethan shoots (accidentally) Peter in the leg as they rush to the hospital where his wife has gone to give birth. They drive (with Peter driving, let wounded and all) all night long, rush in the hospital just in time. I mean seriously. If you got shot in the leg you wouldnt be walking, let alone running and you'd need to get to a hospital (one closer than LA from the grand canyon areas of sorts) much faster that an entire nights car ride.
All in all dont waste an hour and a half of your time watching the movie, it's utter crap. If it weren't for the company of some good friends I'd have stop watching half way through.
The movie in the spot light: Due Date
Rate: -1 (let me emphasize that negative sign)
Yes, I'd have to say this movie deserves a rating less that zero, because it was just utterly stupid. Yes, I will admit there was some one-liners worth a laugh, but the story line was just a big pile of poo.
The story to me starts out with a "Hangover" feel to it. I mean the actor who plans Alan in the Hangover plays a character in this movie almost identical to Alan in the Hangover. And as to the title of this movie the main character Peter (Robert Downy Jr.) get in a situation in which there is a rush to get back home in time to be there for the birth of his first born (Much like the hangover and trying to get back in time for the whole wedding thing)
At this point, I was like, alright another one of these movies, it's gonna suck but it'll be ok to sit through once. WRONG. As the movie goes on, the scenarios get progressively worse. Some to the point where your like 1) That's actually so dangerous it's not even funny anymore 2) No one would walk away from those situations.
*Spoiler Alert* (not that you ever need to waste your time with this movie)
First Ethan (guy who plans Alan in Hangover) falls asleep while driving, crashing the car off a bridge (flipping and landing top down). Ethan and Peter walk away with Peter having minor injuries, Ethan having not a scratch. I mean falling asleep while driving is extermely dangerous and it's not exactly funny and no one would come off that easy from a crash like that.
Second (It gets worse) Ethan drives off with a truck from the mexican boarder with a trailer (with Peter inside), The trailer unhitches, flips with Peter still inside and he comes off with nothing worse for injures. What?!
And Third (and for me basically that last straw and last thread of remaining hope for this movie) Ethan shoots (accidentally) Peter in the leg as they rush to the hospital where his wife has gone to give birth. They drive (with Peter driving, let wounded and all) all night long, rush in the hospital just in time. I mean seriously. If you got shot in the leg you wouldnt be walking, let alone running and you'd need to get to a hospital (one closer than LA from the grand canyon areas of sorts) much faster that an entire nights car ride.
All in all dont waste an hour and a half of your time watching the movie, it's utter crap. If it weren't for the company of some good friends I'd have stop watching half way through.
09 February, 2012
Slumlord, WI
Or otherwise known as Madison, Wisconsin. Landlords in Madison, particularly those who have rental property downtown and near campus, have got it made. They are rolling in the cash, sucking students dry, while students live in old, grimmy apartments not kept up to code. Despite the poor conditions of these apartments, students continue to pay jacked-up rent prices because they need a place to live.
I moved to Madison about 2 years ago. Prior to moving there I lived in Oshkosh, WI. I paid just about $450 a month for a nice apartment. It wasnt new but it was kept up well by the landlord. I never had any problems. When the time came to start looking for an apartment in Madison, I had to settle for a place well below my standards, just to keep rent at about the same price I paid in Oshkosh. I settled on an old 4 bedroom apartment, complete with roommate in an renovated house-turned-apartment-complex.
It was a disaster. Despite the mounds of roommate problems, the apartment itself was a dump. A closet in the kitchen lead to a dusty, dirty, insulation filled attic complete with a piece of insulation nailed to the inside-side of the door which fell off the wall more than it actually insulated the kitchen. The kitchen cupboards were sticky, never been cleaned. And the thermostat and breaker box for half the apartment resided in the apartment below. So..apartment's too hot, too cold and they neighbors wont change it...your S.O.L. or blow a fuse in your room and your neighbors arent're fucked.
This isn't even bad. After finally finding a new apartment, one which ended up doubling my rent and wasn't even close to as nice as my Oshkosh apartment, began the worst landlord (aka rental company) I have ever had. Who was this crappstastic landlord? Well let me tell you: Steve Brown Apartments, one of Madison's largest rental companies, whose even associated with a few UW Madison off-campus living places (for rich kids, of course). I would NEVER recommend anyone to rent through this place, in fact, I'd love to encourage people to go anywhere else but SBA. Here's why:
The Leaky Tub: So the should have been an early warning sign, but here's the story. When I moved into this apartment both the tub and the sink leaked. I put in a maintenance report, someone came, fixed the sink, broke the tub more, telling me "I don't have the proper tools, I will come back within a week to fix it" Well...One week turned to One month turned to Four months... In that four month period I sent in three more maintenance requests and heard nothing. Finally one day my friend, Eric, come over and point out my tub saying "why don't your get that fixed your wasting so much water?" I tell him the story and he enlightens me about this person called "the health inspector" So next morning, I write SBA an email which said something like: I've asked your 4 times to come fix my tub and your have yet to send someone, if you don't send someone within a week I will call the health inspector". The next day someone came to fix the tub.
The Radiator: Ok so win on my part with the tub, but my luck was soon to end. At the end of October an even worse problem began. And it began with a knock on my door one night. It was my neighbor from below. He says water is leaking into his apartment. Oh no! I tell him to call the after hours maintenance (which he doesnt, mind you), and close the door. That's when I notice my living room radiator hanging a good foot away from the water, with only the pipe supporting it. My radiator had pulled away from the wall and broken a water pipe within the wall, flooding the apartment below. So then I called the after hours maintenance, after a rude conversation from the guy on the other end, they tell me they will come fix the problem. I give him permission to leave, leave a note for him to pick up after himself, and leave. (Oh, did I mention that maintenance men for SBA are complete slobs and leave their dirty messes behind for the tenant to clean up? Oh well.. they are fucking slobs and they leave doors open. uh hello.. I have cats. you lose my cat and there will be hell to pay) Anyways. Did he fix the problem. No. He stopped the leak in the wall and tore my radiator off the wall, leaving me with a space heater, saying he'd come back on monday to fix it. Long story short it took exactly one week later for someone to finally fix my radiator. Thankfully we had a mild fall, so I wasn't freezing my ass of in the first week of November without a radiator producing heat in my apartment.
But this is not the end. A lady named Jackie, who works for my apartment, who also needs some manners of her own, tells me I am responsible for the radiator repair because someone "sat" on my radiator. Well no one "sat" on it persay. "leaned against" is a better description but an outward facing radiator properly installed would not give way at the slightest pressure of someone or something leaning on it. But at any rate, Jackie tells me to contact my renters insurance guy. So of course I do that, but renter's insurance is usually for "personal property", so both me and my insurance man were like what the hell is she talking about. Nevertheless, my insurance man sends an adjuster to do some investigating on my apartment. When he arrived the radiator had already been fixed, but I was smart and took some pictures, like this one:
I also showed him the radiator in my bedroom, which was still attached, but who knows how long that will last, as it was already on its own pulling away from the wall.So he took photos and went on his merry way. A week later I get a letter in the mail from my insurance company saying the radiator way installing improperly and then i am not liable to pay for it.
But even still this was not the end of it. Right around christmas I get a letter from SBA telling me I owe them over $5000 for repairs most of which were not in my apartment but the one below (which I never saw). (oh and merry fucking christmas, love SBA). I was livid. So make an already long story slightly shorter, my insurance denied the claim again twice, each time telling SBA that the radiator was not installed properly but SBA would not budge. My insurance company was about to take them the court, but in the end ended up giving SBA their money, because court would have cost them more money.
In the end I got lucky and didnt have to pay SBA (Thank god for my good renter's insurance company). But here's what irks me the most is that SBA was in the wrong and justice was not served here. They did not deserve to get their money, and they will go on to milk as much money as possible out of their student renters, because they think we are naive. We are not, DONT FORGET YOUR RIGHTS AS A RENTER! Had I been more keen I would have gotten a building inspector in to my apartment asap, but alas, SBA gets their money..
Don't rent from SBA. They will go after your for every little issue and if you do rent with them unfortunately...leave a big paper trail for yourself.
That's my madison slumlord story, but this I'm not the only one with a story. Two friends of mine, Eric and Dan, live in an apartment a few miles away from campus, but slumlord still exist out there. Their problem? Well for one: some very rude, selfish upstairs neighbors, who've kept my friends awake at night, many nights in a row now. They've banged on the ceiling, called the cops, contacted their landlord, but the noise persists. The cause, poorly designed walls and floor, "paper thin", and a landlord who won't take actions into his own hands. As a renter you have the right to a quite place of dwelling and if a persistent problem such as the ones my friend's face isn't solved by the landlords intervention, then my friends can withhold rent, legally speaking. What a pain, but landlords are so lazy in madison they don't do squat about it until they stop getting their money of course.. then it's court and yada yada yada.. It shouldn't have to be this way in the first place.
A second problem (also the consequence of a lazy slumlord): a big slick patch of ice all up and down the drive way. Yup, anyone of those residents could fall and crack their skull open, which would be the landlords fault of course. So why not salt that shit and save yourself the potential lawsuit? LAZY SLUMTASTIC LANDLORDS.
So I know these aren't the only stories out their. And I actually could keep on going, but I'll leave it there. From Madison? Have a Slumlord Story? Please share. (aka comment it out).
I moved to Madison about 2 years ago. Prior to moving there I lived in Oshkosh, WI. I paid just about $450 a month for a nice apartment. It wasnt new but it was kept up well by the landlord. I never had any problems. When the time came to start looking for an apartment in Madison, I had to settle for a place well below my standards, just to keep rent at about the same price I paid in Oshkosh. I settled on an old 4 bedroom apartment, complete with roommate in an renovated house-turned-apartment-complex.
It was a disaster. Despite the mounds of roommate problems, the apartment itself was a dump. A closet in the kitchen lead to a dusty, dirty, insulation filled attic complete with a piece of insulation nailed to the inside-side of the door which fell off the wall more than it actually insulated the kitchen. The kitchen cupboards were sticky, never been cleaned. And the thermostat and breaker box for half the apartment resided in the apartment below. So..apartment's too hot, too cold and they neighbors wont change it...your S.O.L. or blow a fuse in your room and your neighbors arent're fucked.
This isn't even bad. After finally finding a new apartment, one which ended up doubling my rent and wasn't even close to as nice as my Oshkosh apartment, began the worst landlord (aka rental company) I have ever had. Who was this crappstastic landlord? Well let me tell you: Steve Brown Apartments, one of Madison's largest rental companies, whose even associated with a few UW Madison off-campus living places (for rich kids, of course). I would NEVER recommend anyone to rent through this place, in fact, I'd love to encourage people to go anywhere else but SBA. Here's why:
The Leaky Tub: So the should have been an early warning sign, but here's the story. When I moved into this apartment both the tub and the sink leaked. I put in a maintenance report, someone came, fixed the sink, broke the tub more, telling me "I don't have the proper tools, I will come back within a week to fix it" Well...One week turned to One month turned to Four months... In that four month period I sent in three more maintenance requests and heard nothing. Finally one day my friend, Eric, come over and point out my tub saying "why don't your get that fixed your wasting so much water?" I tell him the story and he enlightens me about this person called "the health inspector" So next morning, I write SBA an email which said something like: I've asked your 4 times to come fix my tub and your have yet to send someone, if you don't send someone within a week I will call the health inspector". The next day someone came to fix the tub.
The Radiator: Ok so win on my part with the tub, but my luck was soon to end. At the end of October an even worse problem began. And it began with a knock on my door one night. It was my neighbor from below. He says water is leaking into his apartment. Oh no! I tell him to call the after hours maintenance (which he doesnt, mind you), and close the door. That's when I notice my living room radiator hanging a good foot away from the water, with only the pipe supporting it. My radiator had pulled away from the wall and broken a water pipe within the wall, flooding the apartment below. So then I called the after hours maintenance, after a rude conversation from the guy on the other end, they tell me they will come fix the problem. I give him permission to leave, leave a note for him to pick up after himself, and leave. (Oh, did I mention that maintenance men for SBA are complete slobs and leave their dirty messes behind for the tenant to clean up? Oh well.. they are fucking slobs and they leave doors open. uh hello.. I have cats. you lose my cat and there will be hell to pay) Anyways. Did he fix the problem. No. He stopped the leak in the wall and tore my radiator off the wall, leaving me with a space heater, saying he'd come back on monday to fix it. Long story short it took exactly one week later for someone to finally fix my radiator. Thankfully we had a mild fall, so I wasn't freezing my ass of in the first week of November without a radiator producing heat in my apartment.
But this is not the end. A lady named Jackie, who works for my apartment, who also needs some manners of her own, tells me I am responsible for the radiator repair because someone "sat" on my radiator. Well no one "sat" on it persay. "leaned against" is a better description but an outward facing radiator properly installed would not give way at the slightest pressure of someone or something leaning on it. But at any rate, Jackie tells me to contact my renters insurance guy. So of course I do that, but renter's insurance is usually for "personal property", so both me and my insurance man were like what the hell is she talking about. Nevertheless, my insurance man sends an adjuster to do some investigating on my apartment. When he arrived the radiator had already been fixed, but I was smart and took some pictures, like this one:
I also showed him the radiator in my bedroom, which was still attached, but who knows how long that will last, as it was already on its own pulling away from the wall.So he took photos and went on his merry way. A week later I get a letter in the mail from my insurance company saying the radiator way installing improperly and then i am not liable to pay for it.
But even still this was not the end of it. Right around christmas I get a letter from SBA telling me I owe them over $5000 for repairs most of which were not in my apartment but the one below (which I never saw). (oh and merry fucking christmas, love SBA). I was livid. So make an already long story slightly shorter, my insurance denied the claim again twice, each time telling SBA that the radiator was not installed properly but SBA would not budge. My insurance company was about to take them the court, but in the end ended up giving SBA their money, because court would have cost them more money.
In the end I got lucky and didnt have to pay SBA (Thank god for my good renter's insurance company). But here's what irks me the most is that SBA was in the wrong and justice was not served here. They did not deserve to get their money, and they will go on to milk as much money as possible out of their student renters, because they think we are naive. We are not, DONT FORGET YOUR RIGHTS AS A RENTER! Had I been more keen I would have gotten a building inspector in to my apartment asap, but alas, SBA gets their money..
Don't rent from SBA. They will go after your for every little issue and if you do rent with them unfortunately...leave a big paper trail for yourself.
That's my madison slumlord story, but this I'm not the only one with a story. Two friends of mine, Eric and Dan, live in an apartment a few miles away from campus, but slumlord still exist out there. Their problem? Well for one: some very rude, selfish upstairs neighbors, who've kept my friends awake at night, many nights in a row now. They've banged on the ceiling, called the cops, contacted their landlord, but the noise persists. The cause, poorly designed walls and floor, "paper thin", and a landlord who won't take actions into his own hands. As a renter you have the right to a quite place of dwelling and if a persistent problem such as the ones my friend's face isn't solved by the landlords intervention, then my friends can withhold rent, legally speaking. What a pain, but landlords are so lazy in madison they don't do squat about it until they stop getting their money of course.. then it's court and yada yada yada.. It shouldn't have to be this way in the first place.
A second problem (also the consequence of a lazy slumlord): a big slick patch of ice all up and down the drive way. Yup, anyone of those residents could fall and crack their skull open, which would be the landlords fault of course. So why not salt that shit and save yourself the potential lawsuit? LAZY SLUMTASTIC LANDLORDS.
So I know these aren't the only stories out their. And I actually could keep on going, but I'll leave it there. From Madison? Have a Slumlord Story? Please share. (aka comment it out).
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